Purley Masjid Eid-ul-Fitr ANNOUNCEMENT
As-Salamu Alaiykum,
We are pleased to announce that Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Monday 2nd May.
We will be holding the Eid Salah at Purley Way Playing Fields. Please see the flyer for details
Monday 2nd May
Purley Way Playing Fields,
Purley Way,
Croydon, CR0 4RQ
(closest postcode)
- Arrive from: 9.00 am
- Eid Salah: 10.00 am
- A prayer mat
- A bag for your shoes
- Your own chair for any elderly / disabled
- You may park on the grass on the playing field
- Please park sensibly and follow the directions of the parking attendants
- Refer to this document with info. on where to enter: https://tinyurl.com/EidFitrPark
- Do not attend if you have COVID-19 symptoms
- Come with Wudhu
- Arrive early to listen to the Bayaan
- Please co-operate with the volunteers to ensure things run smoothly and efficiently
- Eid Salah is open to all - Brothers, Sisters, Children
- There will be food stalls and a bouncy castle
NB: In case of rain or wet grass, please check the website for updates (www.purleymasjid.com) or look out for the WhatsApp message, if you are part of the Purley Masjid WhatsApp Broadcast group
Jazak Allah Khayr,
Purley Masjid