Zakat Grant
NZF Grant Application
Through the Community Small Grants Project, we aim to help Muslim adults in the UK who are experiencing immediate financial hardship. The project aims to:
Provide relief from immediate financial hardship
Promote a feeling of closeness to the Muslim community and increase in faith
The project aims to offer an additional means by which to support people in need alongside their existing activities.
Eligible applicants must be
In the UK at the time of application and payment of the grant,
Eligible to receive Zakat-ie below nisab
No income or low income
People with any or no residency status can be helped
Successful applicants will be given a one-off payment per application per 12-month period up to a maximum of £250
If you would like to apply please make an appointment using the scheduling system below. Appointments run from Wednesday from 9.30 am to 11 am at Purley Masjid.
Other useful resources
Simply Connect Croydon
Find out about the services in your local area and get involved in local activities.
Croydon Voluntary Action
CVA builds stronger communities for social change by supporting citizens to take active roles in their neighbourhoods and by championing community organisations that nurture and celebrate local strengths
Migrant Help
Rebuilding lives stolen by displacement and exploitation… because every person deserves the opportunity to thrive.
Young Roots
Young Roots is a London-based charity working with young refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-25, most of whom are alone in the UK without their families.
Breaking Barriers
Finding meaningful employment for young refugees
NZF Grants Page
Click here to visit the NZF grants page